One year ago today, we met our sweet little Hannah for the first time. I will never forget any moment of that special day. I remember waking up at our guest house and looking out on the balcony at the city of Addis Ababa, knowing she was out there somewhere and that soon I would have my hands on her! I knew that all those years of waiting, paperwork, more paperwork, more waiting was finally coming to an end. That light at the end of the tunnel was finally shining very brightly!!!
We nervously ate breakfast with our group and found out that instead of going to do paperwork, we were going shopping and that the paperwork would be done the next day. Seriously? Shopping? All I wanted to do was get to Hannah. But there was a schedule of course, so we went shopping. And shopping I did. I bought way too many scarves but they were so beautiful and cheap! We ate lunch with our group and then got on the bus to head to the transitional home, where Hannah was waiting.
The bus ride to the transitional home was pretty quiet, even with 4 other families. I think we were taking it all in...the people...the sounds...the smells of Addis Ababa. But when the bus turned on to a very bumpy road, Robel, our wonderful guide, said something about being almost there and I felt like I couldn't breathe. The tears were starting to form in my eyes but I did my best to stop them. I didn't want to be bawling when Hannah saw me for the first time. So I fought them back. The bus pulled through the big gate and we were there...and Hannah was inside somewhere. I turned to Eddie and our boys and said "This is it". We waited in the courtyard and watched as a couple of families got their babies. Then it was our turn. A sweet lady walked out the door holding our little Hannah and I could not believe how tiny she was! Just like a newborn baby! I kissed her and held her tight and everything was perfect. She never cried with all of us holding her and loving on her. We only had a few hours to spend with her before leaving her for one more night. The next day would be Gotcha Day and then she would be with us forever! More to come!