Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know, and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs 24:12
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Hannah Rose Sitota is OFFICIALLY OUR DAUGHTER!! We are so happy and so relieved to have this final step out of the way! We will be travelling May 23rd!!!!! Thank you everyone for all your prayers. I sure felt them!!!
We will be posting a video this afternoon, but here's a pic of our sweet baby girl!!! Thank you GOD!!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tonight's the night...
Well...this is the night we've been waiting for...the night when everything is out of our hands...the night we turn it all over to God and wait to see the outcome. I really thought I would be a nervous wreck today, but I am totally at peace...a peace that passes all understanding. Please pray for God's Will to be done tonight as we sleep. I will post our news as soon as we know!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
While We Are Sleeping...
When we go to sleep tomorrow night, someone will be going to court for us in Ethiopia! Please pray that all goes well...that those needed to show up for court will be there...that all of our paperwork is in order and all signatures needed are on paperwork...that there will be no problems with electricity (which happens from time to time)...and that the judge will make Hannah officially ours!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
5 Days...
5 Days until our Court Date! Sometimes I still can't believe we are so close to bringing our baby girl home! If we pass on the 30th, she will be legally ours!! Then we will travel May 23rd to Ethiopia. Although I am a little anxious about the actual trip (mostly the flight), I am at total peace about the court date. I have trusted God so far throughout this crazy journey...I am not about to stop trusting Him now. If we pass the first time, we will be so thankful and we will be celebrating that day! If we don't pass next week, then we will know God is still working out the details. I have total faith in that!
Monday, April 20, 2009
9 Days...
There are 9 days until our court date. Time is really flying by for us. We thought this would be the hardest part of the wait but so far so good! We're hanging in there but cannot wait to get our hands on her!
The Luncefords just got back from Ethiopia and they took some precious pics of Hannah for us. Hoping I can post those April 30th! Pray we pass court!
The Luncefords just got back from Ethiopia and they took some precious pics of Hannah for us. Hoping I can post those April 30th! Pray we pass court!
Friday, April 17, 2009
My husband has started a new business on the side...a t-shirt screenprinting business. We are hoping to put all the money we make from that towards our adoption loan. Then after we have it paid off, which could take a while :), our goal is to take a percentage of the proceeds and donate to orphanages in Africa. We are really hoping this takes off and that we can give back. Anyway...he has a cool Africa design almost ready to go so I will be posting a t-shirt soon!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Weight Update
When we got our referral for Hannah, she was 1 month old and weighed 6.7 lbs. She was very dehydrated when she was brought to the transitional home. When Terra called with our referral, she was doing much better. I got an email from Terra yesterday with her weight update. She now weighs 8.8 lbs (almost 3 months old) so we are pleased that she is gaining! She's still pretty little, but healthy and growing!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
15 Days
There are 15 days until our court date. We are hoping and praying that we pass court the first time but we know God has it all under control no matter what happens. Nothing is going to surprise Him. So keep us in your prayers as we wait patiently and not so patiently at times! Hopefully I'll be posting our baby girl's pics on here very soon!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Love this!!

Isn't this beautiful?? I absolutely love it.
This print can be found here:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
April 30th Court Date
There are 22 days until we find out whether or not we pass court! When we go to bed on the 29th of April, someone will be going to court for us while we are sleeping (or while we are wide awake praying and watching the clock)! We will have an answer on the 30th, hopefully early that day. Of course I will post it as soon as we know!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Decisions, Decisions
It is finally starting to register with me that we are flying to Africa soon!! Eddie spoke with our travel agent last week and we have several flight options to choose from...of course most of the options include MANY hours on an airplane! I think there's only one involving flying about 8 hours, having a layover, and flying the other 9 hours. The other options are flying approximately 15 1/2 hours to Dubai, then to Addis...or flying straight from U.S. to Addis with one stop in Rome for refueling. We aren't sure what we are doing yet, so please keep us in your prayers as we decide. We've got to figure out what's best for us since we are taking the boys and since I don't like planes! We'll be making a decision in the next few days. Ethiopia, here we come!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
We got an unexpected email today!! Our tentative travel dates have been set! We will travel May 23rd thru May 30th to bring our little sweetie home! That is...if we pass court on April 30th. About 70% pass court the first time, so we are hoping and praying that we fall into that percentage. It's so amazing to think we are this close to having her home with us!
April 1st!
It's April 1st today! It's so exciting to be starting this month since our court date is April 30th!! Please pray, pray, pray that Hannah becomes officially ours on that day!
April is the busiest month out of the year for us with Eddie's Middle School baseball schedule and the boys' baseball practices and Scouts...so this month SHOULD fly by for us. We will see! Starting the countdown........
April is the busiest month out of the year for us with Eddie's Middle School baseball schedule and the boys' baseball practices and Scouts...so this month SHOULD fly by for us. We will see! Starting the countdown........
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